Welcome to the Trustworthy AI Lab

We are the Trustworthy AI Lab at the Florida International University led by Dongsheng Luo. Our lab is dedicated to crafting efficient and trustworthy AI solutions for science. We prioritize models that are practical for real-world deployment and emphasize transparency, robustness, and reliability. We actively bridge the gap between AI and scientific domains. Through interdisciplinary collaborations, we tailor our AI innovations to address complex challenges in environmental science, health informatics, and human-computer interaction.

Pictures from FIU’s Website.

We are grateful for funding from NSF and NOAA.

We are fortunate to have close collaborations with researchers/professors from Π-CoLab, PiCOM Lab, MLDAG Lab, Sec-Lab and Sea Level Solutions Center at FIU, AI2ES Institute, The Everglades Foundation, NEC Labs, Amazon, Penn State University, Arizona State University, Nanjing Univerity, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich etc.



One paper got accepted to TKDD 25.


F-Fidelity got accepted to ICLR 25.


One paper on GNN got accepted to WWW 25.


One paper on Explainable AI got accepted to SIGKDD 25.


One paper on Explainable AI got accepted to NeurIPS 24.


One paper on Time series got accepted to ICDM 24.


One paper on LLM got accepted to Scientific Reports.


One paper on spectral GNN got accepted to CIKM 24.


One paper on domain adaptation got accepted to SIGKDD 24.

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